Wednesday, February 19, 2025

“There is a mysterious pattern in the book, which is evident if one reads the whole book”, says Sabarna Roy in an exclusive interview.

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Sabarna Roy is a trained Civil Engineer and passed out with a First Class Honours Civil Engineering Degree from Jadavpur University in 1988. He is presently working as Senior Vice President and is in the 25th year of his employment with Electrosteel Group. He is also an author of critically acclaimed bestselling literary fiction of seven published books. They are: Pentacles; Frosted Glass; Abyss; Winter Poems; Random Subterranean Mosaic: 2012 – 2018, Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020 and Fractured Mosaic.

  1. How do you find your journey from a Senior VP to a bestselling author?
    Ans: I shuffle between my two professions of being a Senior Engineering Professional and an Author of literary books. Yes, life has changed after I started writing books since July 2007 when I felt if I did not write I would die. Life definitely has become busier juggling between two different kinds of professions. As a Senior Engineering Professional, I am also involved in writing research articles in the environment sector in peer-reviewed national and international Journals. During the on-going Pandemic, I have been busy in various digital conferences as a Senior Engineering Professional as well as a literary author. Before the Pandemic I had to attend national and international conferences and literary meets.
  2. You have received many awards. How does it feel to receive so much of praise and appreciation?
    Ans: It feels a good to be honoured, to be appreciated by institutes of repute.
    I have been awarded the Literoma Laureate Award in 2019, Literoma Star Achiever Award 2020, Random Subterranean Mosaic: 2012 – 2018 won the best book of the year 2019, the A List Award for excellence in fiction by the NewsX Media House, Certificate for The Real Super Heroes for spreading a spirit of positivity and hope during the COVID-19 Pandemic from Forever Star India Award 2020, and the Certificate for Participation in the Indo Russian Friendship Celebration 2020, the Literoma Golden Star Award 2020: Lifetime Achievement, and the Certificate of Appreciation for featuring in the Hall of Fame of Literoma International Symposium on Literature & Festival 2020, and the Times Eminent Writer of the Year award by The Times of India Group in Kolkata in February 2021.I am one of the winners of the Champions of Change 2020 Award given out by Interactive Forum on Indian Economy supported by Government of India.
  3. The title of your 7th literary work – Fractured Mosaic, is really intriguing. How did you arrive at the core idea?
    Ans: My 7th literary work is a random kaleidoscopic collection of writings of various formats, and genre. They come from all directions, and they are splintered. Yet, there is a mysterious pattern in the book, which is evident if one reads the whole book. That is why I named this book – Fractured Mosaic, although the title came to me all of a sudden, randomly.

4. Can you throw some light on the process of creating the layout? How much research was required at your end?
Ans: I would be frank enough to say that I do not research at a very conscious level. But I keep on reading books of interdisciplinary subjects, and I make notes in my journals. This has an impact on my writings, and I plan the kaleidoscopic layout based on how I think a human mind works.

5. You have also written some prominent works in non-fiction genre. What skill sets are required to have mastery over non-fiction works apart from the knowledge of the subject?
Ans: Whether it is non-fiction or fiction, every writing follows its atypical narrative or story. In fiction, we use characters and drama. In non-fiction, we deal with ideas, thoughts, and their interplay. This has to be understood clearly and mastered.

6. How are you dealing with the current pandemic situation?
Ans: I am a Senior Engineering Professional employed in a large engineering-manufacturing Company and an Author of Literary and Technical Books and peer-reviewed Technical Papers that are published in National and International Journals of repute. After the National Lockdown, which started on March 24 and carried on until May 31 our production facilities were closed down and we incurred huge financial losses. Thankfully, we did not retrench a single soul during this time but were forced to implementing pay-cuts to keep our cash-flow afloat, with the higher salaried white collared staff taking the highest hit. Now that we have reached 100% of Plant efficiency, we have withdrawn the pay-cuts as well. As a traditionally published Author the first thing that hit me was: My sixth book Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020, which was published on June 26 came out on Amazon Kindle and could not be published in hard-bound format as was planned earlier since the printers were not working in Mumbai at that point in time. As such, the book could not have a proper physical all-India launch. My publisher and I had planned this book as a slim and an elegant hard-bound book, which has not seen the light of the day till today. However, I believe the hard-bound paperback version will come out in October as the situation is improving day-by-day. However, the pre-publication and post-publication reviews were planned intelligently and as such, the sales on Amazon Kindle have been phenomenal on a sustained basis. I have been busy during the continuing pandemic with various Webinars in the capacity of a Senior Engineering Professional in some and in the others as a Literary Author. I also planned and structured my next book on the Pandemic during this time and wrote and published 4 Technical Papers on the Irrigation sector in India, Specialized linings/coatings that are anti-corrosive and anti-abrasive, and Desalination Plants in India. In the end, I must say Pandemic has been a learning in tackling despair, hopelessness, remoteness and boredom. However, human beings with their implicit imagination, intuition and adaptiveness carry on learning from one-moment-to-the-other.

My 7th book, Fractured Mosaic, was also published during the on-going pandemic, and was released worldwide on January 25, 2021, and had its physical launch on February 12, 2021.

I believe in threat being an opportunity. For Authors the Pandemic has unleashed before us a plethora of topics and ideas on which we can write and explore new avenues.


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